Hazelnut coffee is one of the most popular drinks ordered in cafes. Now you can enjoy that smooth and nutty hazelnut flavored combination with the richness of coffee at the comfort of your home with our quick, easy and delicious Hazelnut coffee recipe. hazelnut coffee flavoring

Servings: 1

  • Prep Time: 2 mins
  • Cook Time: 5 mins
  • Total Time: 7 mins


  • 1 Tablespoon DramaLlama Coffee
  • ¼ Tablespoon Sugar
  • ¼ Cup Ice
  • ¼ Cup Heavy Whipped Cream
  • ¼ Cup Condensed Milk


  • Add DramaLama Instant Hazelnut Coffee
  • Add sugar
  • Add warm water
  • Mix the coffee powder with water using stirrer
  • Add condensed milk
  • Add ice
  • Mix chilled milk hazelnut coffee flavoring
  • Top it up with whipped cream

Is this good for you? 

Is what we want to convey here. Hazelnut coffee has gained the hearts of people all over the world, including me, because of the excellent health benefits it provides. 

However, a lot of people are still unaware of the benefits that hazelnut coffee might provide. Yes, drinking coffee made with hazelnuts is healthy and may keep you safe from a variety of illnesses. Up to 87 percent of the mineral manganese, which aids in bone development, reduces the incidence of osteoporosis, and soothes joint pain, is reported to be present in one ounce of the nuts. 

Additionally, consuming these nuts can assist with weight loss and UTI prevention. In addition to this, eating these nuts can help you lose weight and prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs). And that's not even everything! 

Continue reading to find out more information about it. If you adore coffee and revel in the opportunity to explore a wide range of taste profiles, hazelnut coffee is the beverage for you. 

This version of coffee is not only delicious but also packed with many beneficial properties for your health. Exclusive Health Benefits of Hazelnut Coffee In some circles, the hazelnut is also referred to as the filbert. The Corylus tree is where the nut actually originates from. The United States of America and Italy are the two countries that produce the most of this crop.hazelnut coffee flavoring

The following percentages of the RDI are found in one ounce of filberts, or roughly 20 entire kernels: Vitamin E accounts for 21% of the diet, along with thiamin (12%), magnesium (12%), copper (24%) and manganese (87%) as well as other minerals including vitamin B6, folate, potassium and zinc.

Significant antioxidants are present in both coffee and hazelnuts, which shield the body from oxidative stress or an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants. Cellular damage brought on by oxidative stress can result in cancer and heart disease.hazelnut coffee flavoring

One ounce of filberts contains nearly the whole recommended daily intake of manganese, which may have a significant effect on the toughness and longevity of bones and teeth. Osteoporosis and sore joints are risks that can be decreased with one serving.

To fully enjoy the healthy benefits of coffee and filberts, there are two things to consider. One, buy beans from a trusted source like DramaLama , and two, even if the coffee is flavored, add a pure hazelnut creamer or hazelnut milk for a greater nutrition boost.

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